Preheat oven to 425ºF. Cut up the apples and put them in a bowl, and toss with lemon juice. Add sugar and cornstarch. Put the apples on the crust in the pie pan and brush the rim of the pastry with milk. Then roll out the other pastry circle and put that on top, pressing the two together. Trim the sides of the extra dough, leaving enough space for the crust to hang over just a bit. Now shape the crust however you like, in petals or by pressing with your fingers. Brush the edge with milk when you are finished. Cut a 1/2-inch steam hole in the center of the pie. Now roll out the trimmed pieces of dough and make shapes to place on top of the pie, never covering the steam hole. Brush each shape with milk and sprinkle the whole pie with sugar. Bake for 15 minutes, then turn down to 350º F and bake for 30 more minutes.